Word on the Street
Voices of Homelessness
This publication offers an insight into homelessness in Belfast.
It combines images, stories and statistics to give voice to homelessness and challenge public perceptions of homeless people.
The photographs were taken in Belfast by men and women who are or were homeless. All the stories are about real people and real lives. Some people have changed their names to conceal their identity.
The project was written and produced by the Westcourt Centre with contributions from Morning Star House, The Welcome Organisation, DePaul Ireland Mater Dei Family Service, Simon Community NI Belfast Foyer, Council for the Homeless NI and Edmund Rice Advocacy.
The publication was supported by the Christian Brothers Edmund Rice Trust Fund.
Copies were distributed at the Homelessness Awareness Panel Event in Belfast in November 2014 and also at the Council for the Homeless NI’s conference on the new priorities of the Homeless Strategy for Northern Ireland in December 2014.